About us Analytical Foundation
Analytical Foundation is a nonprofit organization (NGO) found for the purpose of:
1. Improving quality of life by offering YOGA Training courses,Education,Work shops/Seminarsetc.
2.Research & innovation awards:Quality life is possible by innovation only and the innovation is possible by research only. Hence ANALYTICAL FOUNDATION is committed to identify such research scientist across various field of science like agriculture, environment, new born screening, Bio-med, Yoga,Ayurveda.
Identify and award yearly the quality control executives and research Scientists for their contributions across various field of science like Life science ,Healthcare, pharmaceuticals,Bio-Technologies, Food safety, academic (Universities), Agriculture, Environment, new born screening,Bio-med, etc.
To promote Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation for enriching life.
To work for the child & Women health and Welfare.
To open and run the schools for the welfare and uplift of the needy children.
To organize awareness camps, health camps, workshops, campaigns and exhibitions.
To arrange and provide medical aid and other assistance necessary for the needy people who are incapable or handicapped or mentally/physically challenged and financially unfit.
The main aim of the trust would be to impart the practical and functional training of Ashtang Yog ,Dhayan Yog Asan and Pranayam etc.as received from the ancient propounded by the Rishies and Munis to make an end of extreme sufferings to cure diseases and to receive a calm stage of mind and extreme happiness.
To Spread the teachings & thoughts of great leaders, philosophers, thinkers, reformer and saints and educate / encourage people to follow such thoughts .